Six things to know about membership management systems and training

DateAugust 2024

Do you remember Family Fortunes? The television gameshow where competing families had to provide answers to everyday questions, with the winner providing the most popular answers as deemed by a panel of 100 people?

Well, if we were to ask 100 membership organisations ‘what are the benefits of a membership management system?’, would ‘training’ be one of the most popular answers? Possibly. But based on conversations we’ve had with membership organisations, we’re not sure.

The irony, of course, is that training is one of the key membership management system benefits. But what does it look like and how can you use a membership management system to leverage your organisation’s training provision?

Here are six things to consider.

1.  Choose wisely!

The first step when it comes to facilitating training via your membership management system is to get the best membership management system your organisation can afford. A Dynamics 365 membership management system, such as ours, has CPD features designed in to the platform. As a result, important functionality such as course tracking, certification management, and general reporting capabilities are hardwired in and available to use from the moment we’ve installed it.

2.  Put a portal in place

An online learning portal not only provides a hub for your members to access key training materials, resources, and courses, but it also provides what your members need to be self-sufficient – and less reliant on you and your team. An effective online training portal also provides an entire eco-system in which your membership can connect. With an easy-to-use and visually appealing interface – both of which we offer – you can boost engagement levels, add value to your organisation and increase retention.

3.  Integrate to innovate

A good membership management system fully integrates every aspect of membership management. For example, the training components should seamlessly integrate with the events management aspect of the platform. In doing so, you’ll be able to quickly and efficiently set up key training-led activities such as event registration, attendance management, and participation tracking. An integrated learning management system is also important in order for all training-related documentation, administration, and delivery to be automated. To be able to use your membership management system to innovate, you need everything to integrate – particularly when it comes to training.

4.  Keep track

The UK’s best membership management systems enable you to analyse member engagement. So, whether that’s recording member participation or monitoring progress in CPD activities, you’ll be able to quickly and accurately evaluate the value of any training programmes you have running at any given time. Dynamics 365’s functionality excels here by making all insights – even those at a granular level - easily accessible.

5.  Up to speed

In this day and age, any credits and certifications awarded to a member need to be reflected in their profile in real time. This is where membership management systems stand out. As soon as a training programme or course is completed, certification is automatically issued and their record is immediately updated.

6.  Things change

Regardless of the sector your membership organisation operates in, it’s likely that it’s always changing. From new legislation announcements to general industry news, any training you provide will need to reflect this in order for your organisation to remain relevant – and credible. With membership management systems, you can stay abreast of any key changes and quickly make your members aware of them, too.

Looking to improve your training capabilities and add value to your organisation? Contact our team of membership management system specialists on 01483 409409 or email



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